
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Crispy, Coral Watermelon

Seaweed & shamrock tints paint across every inch of the circular fruit, satisfaction glistening in citizens eyes. The melon is divided into multiple, triangle-like shapes, the sound of gnawing occurring as the fruit is cut. Sharp chomps pierce through the fruit, flavors of watery goodness trickling down my empty throat. Tastes of pure deliciousness flood my stomach like a cobalt tsunami gushing over a large city.


When Room 2 was writing this, our main criteria was to write a descriptive poem about a Watermelon. Before we began writing, Room 2's job was to: #1 - Draw / copy a real-life watermelon.
#2 - Taste a watermelon, and describe the taste.

Sinister Roller Coaster - 09/04/19

Sinister Roller Coaster ***

Dismay hastened upward my spine, doubt and deplore being visible in my irises. I optimistically manifested a great - no, a staggering time on this “Roller Coaster from the underworld”. My uncle, my cousin, Aston, and my older brother, Ezrah, sauntered at a posthaste pace towards the ride, while me, on the other hand, strolled anxiously and leisurely, stalling with hideous thoughts on my mind. ‘What if the roller coaster broke down during a drop?’ I tugged my pastel turquoise t-shirt, eyes on the gargantuan coaster, the rails smothered with rusted cobalt paint. I shook my head with disbelieve. ‘This is some sort of joke. I’m not going on that … aren’t I?’ my head trembled fearfully, clearly unsure about the half-prideful-half-anxious statement I had made. I gazed upon how exuberant my brother and cousin were, envying the fact that they never had a fear of the roller coaster visible right in front of my relatives. The gargantuan twirls and turns gave me an even larger beat of anxiety, my sweaty, pale palms trembling worse then they’ve ever trembled. I proceeded to think negatively, bizarre ideas of mauve bruises scarred on my body for eternity. My uncle was having a minuscule conversation with Ezrah and Aston, so this might’ve been my lucky clover moment! I was going to plot a mischievous scheme, to escape Sea World, and rush to the vehicle which brought us there. My eyes glided promptly across the theme park, about to put my scheme into action. But, alas, a claw-like hand grasped onto my shirt, dispiriting me majorly.


My eyes welled up with tears, my eyes becoming a very faint sangria color. Before I knew it, I was strapped into an extremely tight buckle, strained to stay put in a sedentary manner. I binded with my uncle, positioned right next to him. The whole area was clouded with misty, creamy fog, so it was merely impossible to see the viewing of the indigo roller coaster. The ride made a faint rusting sound, the vehicle leisurely strolling, a raspy, unsatisfying crack screeching against the rusty rails. The garnet, blazing lights inside the ramshackle waiting area of the coaster soon faded into an illuminated sky of cerulean, as the deep mauve cart scootered upward a slope, ever so ploddingly. The rumbling cart procceeded to trot across the rundown rails, the sight of the entire theme park beginning to stretch into a more clear position. I was petrified. My whole body froze with angst, ‘My scheme failed.’ I wailed in a mute tone. By now, the cart had risen to the very tip of the lengthy drop, iced in position. I impatiently waited for over 5 seconds, my uneasy body throbbing, and my heart pounding. The mauve cart shuffled forward just a slight bit, obviously making my body throb a lot more. Nothing was going to make me feel
any better at this rate. I squeezed my eyes shut, grasping onto the golden, rusted metal bar that stood nailed in front of me. The cart shook a minuscule bit more, soon racing hurriedly downwards the slope of grief and misery. I let out a silent scream, pleading for mercy. The raddling cart competed with the musty rails, driving continuously, making me feel like I really had to vomit. The race between the rails and the cart continued to go on, slopes and twists circling around over, and over again. I heard my three relatives yelping with exuberance and joy. My entire face felt like a turquoise pale color, the sickening colors of puke twisting around my brain. It felt like the ride had been going on for a lengthy period of time, as my hair had been all scrambled up and my face felt like it had already peeled off. It apparently seemed like the roller coaster was defying gravity, or, more like I thought that because I felt like an icicle, chilled in a chilly bin. My worries just had started to get the best of me, when the first waiting area soon appeared in my sight. I simpered with relief. ‘It’s finally over.’ I sighed joyfully, grinning non-stop. I pridefully marched onward, out of the cart I was seated in, gleefully smirking the smirk of a coward. That smirk was obviously was ostentatious, because I could see my other relatives gaping right at me. I gazed back, the cocky look still painted on my idiotic face. The all murmured something too tranquil to understand, so I just shrugged it off, sauntering away pridefully.


Today, our job was to write about a time when you were trying to get out of something, you didn't want to do. My writing sample, is about a time when I went to Sea World, and was going to go onto the biggest ride there. In the end, I slightly enjoyed it, but the rest 3/4 quarters of it was hatred towards the time. I hope you enjoyed this story~