The History Of Polynesian Voyager, Kupe
Who is Kupe?
Kupe is recognized as the first Polynesian traveler to visit Aotearoa, and in some cases,
the very first international traveler to reach New Zealand and land successfully on-shore.
Kupe’s appearance
Kupe was a male, from Hawaiki, Tahiti. Kupe’s father was from Rarotonga,
and his mother, from Rangiatea. He was a powerful chief before his travel,
and landed on New Zealand, in the year 925 BC.
The waka he voyaged on and his tribe is unknown.
Kupe’s purpose
Fun fact; Kupe never intended to visit New Zealand. His real purpose and
focus was to capture a giant octopus blocking up the fishing grounds in Hawaiki,
that was summoned by his great competitor, Muturangi. He journeyed with his wife,
and his companion Ngake, who traveled on a different canoe,
called the Tāwhirirangi.
How did he navigate?
Kupe navigated by following the stars, which is a common method travelers back
in the beginning would use to find their way to where they were travelling.
He also viewed the ocean’s currents to seek his way, clouds and of course,
unintentionally, the octopus he was trying to capture.
Most of the methods he used to navigate his way are very common methods
they used.
What destinations did Kupe reach?
Kupe sailed all around New Zealand, some places were even named after him.
He traveled to Aotearoa, of course, South Wairarapa, Northland Regions,
and Cook Strait, where the octopus was finally destroyed.
Kupe landed on much more locations, and I'll list them: Maungataniwha Range,
Kohukohu, Nga-Kuri-A-Kupe, Tuputupu Whenua, Pori Here, Akiha, Arai-Te-Uru, Te
Mana-O-Kupe, Ki Te Moananui A Kiwa, Wellington Harbour, Worser Bay,
Pari-Whero, Barrett Reef, Sinclair Head, Thoms Rock,
Cape Palliser, Nga
Ra-O-Kupe, Matakitai, Makaro, Matauranga, Cloudy Bay,
Te Mimi-O-Kupe,
Okukari bay, Te Ope-A-Kupe, Nga Whatu Kaiponu, Te Kupenga-A-Kupe,
Te Kawau-A-Toru, Te Aumati, Rangitoto,
and Nga Tauari-O-Matahourua.
The most historical event placing in Kupe’s timeline,
was the naming of Aotearoa.
Kupe’s wife, Kuramārōtini, spotted a long white clouds,
and said “aotearoa”, meaning “Long White Cloud”,
which gave New Zealand it’s name, Aotearoa.
Summarizing Comment
If calculated, Kupe visited Aotearoa around 1000 years ago! Many people believe
Kupe was the first traveler to visit New Zealand.